Wedding Couple


A lovely decoration for a newlywed couple, 1st christmas married or as a wedding favour.

All writing is handwritten and tends to be in capitals. Please ensure you check your spellings before proceeding. Please fill out all information you would like before adding to cart. Thanks!!


3 in stock

Names and information

The names or Mr and Mrs whomever tends to be put in the middle of the dress. So please place the names in the additional wording. The date tends to be put on the left hand side and the year on the right hand side. If you would like any changes to this please ensure you place in brackets where you would like them to go. If we have a bit of flexibility it tends to work out better!!

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A lovely decoration for a newlywed couple, 1st christmas married or as a wedding favour.

The names or Mr and Mrs whomever tends to be put in the middle of the dress. So please place the names in the additional wording. The date tends to be put on the left hand side and the year on the right hand side. If you would like any changes to this please ensure you place in brackets where you would like them to go. If we have a bit of flexibility it tends to work out better!!

All writing is handwritten and tends to be in capitals. Please ensure you check your spellings before proceeding. Please fill out all information you would like before adding to cart. Thanks!!

  • Christmas Tree Decoration.
  • Material: Poly resin high quaility finish giving the appearance of ceramic.
  • Approximate Dimensions: 9 x 9 cm (Excludes tree)
  • Comes complete with hanging ribbon.


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